Medication Refills
Delta psychiatrists do not provide medication prescriptions for non-clients. Person’s wishing to receive prescriptions for medications must schedule appointments, starting with intake appointments. Delta psychiatrists provide medications by prescription only.
Established clients may ask their pharmacies to fax refill requests to Delta for medications that have been prescribed by a psychiatrist at Delta. Delta’s nurse will consult with your Delta psychiatrist and phone approved refill requests to your pharmacy. These services are available only during regular business hours and are not available on the weekends, holidays, or during the evenings.
Calls regarding medications and medication issues will be directed to the nurse and will be responded to during regular business hours after consultation with a psychiatrist. Please allow time for the nurse to respond to your call.
If you request a refill, please allow a minimum of 6 days for the request to be processed. Given these logistics, please make your requests at least 6 days in advance of the date needed. Please bear in mind that your psychiatrist must have recently seen you to authorize phoning in refill requests. Often, refill requests will result in you being called to schedule an appointment if you have not seen the doctor in the last month or so. Please promptly return phone calls so appointments can be scheduled